Friday, October 9, 2015

P46 2011 10 Ringgit Ladder 1234567 Malaysia PMG 68

A 10 Ringgit Malaysian banknote that has been professionally & properly graded by PMG with the score of 68, a score that's not gloatable obviously as only a score of 70 is worth gloating about in the perfect & immaculate world of numismatics, which means not 3rd best, not 2nd best but the best of the best.

Many notes have already got the score of PMG 70 these days if one cares to google & find out & even some which have been graded 70 are from Malaysia, which is not surprising, considering the high standard as well as perfect quality control all Malaysian notes undergo. Of course, the now superlative score to achieve would be PMG 70++.

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