Friday, June 17, 2011

Malaysia $5 Polymer Banknotes 1 Brick = 1,000 Pieces

***Boys & girls, have any of you seen an entire brick of the Malaysian RM5 Polymer banknotes before?

Lucky you, you have! But I have never seen one before until today.

A very big 'Thank You' to our very gracious & humble local numismatic leader, Datuk Raymond Chang, for being kind enough to open his personal vault & for allowing me to put my big head inside & wallow in all the unbelievable stuff found therein that he has & also, to let me handle, caress & sniff at the mountains of bricks of these RM5 Polymer notes of various prefixes that he has.

And I am profusedly touched that he allowed me to take this brick home to have its pictures taken & to be posted here to be shared by the entire numismatic fraternity, near & far. Of course, I have to return this particular brick which bears the all-desired Prefix of XX to him tomorrow at the Amcorp Mall.

Anyway, Datuk, thanks for being so willing to sell me 2 stacks at the face value of RM500 per stack. They will sure become handy when during the coming festivals for Ang Pow purposes.

By the way, I am very supportive of moves to finally confer you with the title of "Pakar Numis Malaysia", something you truly deserve & this long wait sure must have been worth your while.

Congratulations & may all the glittering dough in this world be with you, you lucky devil!

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